Sustainability News Lab, un proiect inovator axat pe îmbinarea jurnalismului, comunicării și sustenabilității, organizează cel de-al treilea workshop pe tema Comunicare și Jurnalism pentru Sustenabilitate. De la Teorie la Practică, parte din seria de evenimente adresate studenților la comunicare și jurnalism, profesioniștilor din domeniu, dar și publicului interesat de subiecte despre sustenabilitate.
Acest workshop va avea loc marți, 7 noiembrie 2023, orele 11.30 - 13.15, în cadrul Facultății de Comunicare și Relații Publice, SNSPA București (Multifunctional room, SNSPA, Bd. Expoziţiei, Nr. 30 A, Sector 1, Bucureşti). O serie de invitați speciali vor aduce în atenția audienței teme relevante din sfera sustenabilității.
Participarea este posibilă în baza unei confirmări la adresa
AGENDA Workshop
Session 1: Welcome Introduction of speakers & agenda
Introduction of speakers
Moderator: Nicoleta Talpes (Guerrilla Verde)
Session 2: Overview of Sustainability Communication / Effective Strategies for Sustainable Communication
Special Guest: Prof. Univ. Dr. Dumitru Bortun
We'll explore the art of sustainability communication. We'll delve into the key principles and strategies that can help individuals and organizations effectively convey their commitment to sustainability).
About Special Guest: Prof. Univ. Dr. Dumitru Bortun
Dumitru Bortun has been awarded the title of Doctor in Philosophy, and he is a professor of the Communication and Public Relations Faculty of the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NUPSPA). There, he holds classes on “Analysis of Public Speech”, “Semiotics. Language’s Theory”, “Ethics in Communication”, and "Corporate Social Responsibility".
He published over 100 essays, studies, articles and interviews in collective volumes, scientific works, and culture magazines, as well as in the daily press. Also, he is the author of many collegiate manuals and books, like The Epistemological Foundations of Communication - Ars Docendi, Bucharest, 2002, Public Relations in the New Society - Tritonic, Bucharest, 2005 and 2012, Corporate Social Responsibility: from Public Relations to Sustainable Development (editor) - Tritonic, Bucharest, 2012.
Starting in 1995, Dumitru Bortun is one of the founding members of the Romanian Association of Public Relations Professionals, ARRP. The General Assembly of March 2nd, 2005 elected him the President of ARRP, and the General Assembly of May 29th, 2008 elected him the Chairman of the Honorary Jury of ARRP.
Session 3: Circular Economy: Rethinking Resources, Rebuilding Resilience – includes Q & A
In this presentation, we will embark on a journey into the world of the circular economy, a transformative concept that challenges our traditional 'take, make, dispose' approach to resources and waste. We'll explore the principles and foundations of the circular economy, understanding how it mitigates environmental impacts and offers significant economic and social opportunities.
RESPO CITY, the contest which paves the way for sustainability in the cities of the future. Bringing recycling to the center of the cities through appealing and innovative projects.
Guest: Cristian Pocol, President, RESPO DEEE Asociation
Session 4: Sustainable operations (15 minutes) – includes Q & A What are Sustainable Operations, and what does this mean in practice: waste sorting, efforts to reduce emissions - solar panels, sustainable heating, refrigeration system, food waste watcher, etc.
Guest: Raluca Mocanu, Sustainability Specialist, IKEA Romania
Session 5: Sustainable Resources of the Future: Aluminium Sustainability – includes Q & A
We will explore sustainable aluminum can production's environmental and economic benefits, emphasizing responsible consumer practices, energy-efficient production methods, and recycling can initiatives. By the end of this presentation, you'll have a deeper understanding of how aluminum can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.
Session 6: Sustainability does not escape Fake News (15min.) – includes Q & A
These days we can no longer avoid the word sustainability that comes with a wave of news every day. Unlike others, they can impact us for days, weeks, or years to come. The younger generations are in the first place when the news comes out. What shields do we offer them? How do we protect them? - it remains to be seen together.
Guest: Ștefan DOBRE, Project Manager Assistant EFdeN Sustainable City
Session 7: How Journalism can better contribute to a sustainable society
Special Guest: Zubaida Mabuno Ismail, presence facilitated by Embassy of France
Zubaida Ismail from the Earth Journalism Network and the French NGO - Environmental Investigative Forum- reference networks in climate journalism and environmental investigation.
Ghanaian freelance journalist Zubaida Mabuno Ismail covers issues related to gender, the environment, and climate change with ten years’ experience. She works as a media trainer, the managing editor of ZAMI Reports, and the reporter for Reporters Without Borders in Ghana.
She has written articles on topics such as the effects of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing on fishermen in Ghanaian oceans, Ghana's reforestation efforts, indigenous people's land rights in East Africa, biodiversity preservation, and the connection between poverty among rural women in Ghana and climate change.
In addition, Miss Ismail works as an investigative journalist and belongs to both the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and the Norbert Zongo Cell for Investigative Journalists in West Africa. She has bylines at publications including China Dialogue Trust, CENOZO, Joy News, Asaase Online, Radio France International, Zenger News, and Africa No Filter.
Zubaida is based in Accra and covers all sixteen regions of the country. Her recent publication is a story from the Ogiek people of Mount Elgon in Kenya where she explored indigenous knowledge and biodiversity conservation for China Dialogue.
Conclusions – Final notes – Closing the event